Trends 2015
October 28, 2015, IT-ology will be hosting Trends 2015, which will focus on:
"...the overall digital transformation taking place in society and the associated security issues that come along with it."
The ColaSec group has been asked to help with promoting and finding speakers for the event. The call for presenters is now open. Here are the details:
IT-oLogy presents Trends 2015
Cybersecurity 2020: The Impact of Digital Business on Security
Form to submit:
What is Trends?
An IT-oLogy ( hosted annual conference focusing on technology issues and topics that are “trending” nationally as well as regionally/locally. Basically, it heightens awareness around issues that will impact the future of IT-oLogy partners, the local and regional community, and South Carolina in a big way. The conference is kicked off by a presentation from a Gartner analyst.
2015 Topic:
This year’s topic is the overall digital transformation taking place in society (everything is becoming ‘digital’) and the associated security issues that come along with it.
2015 Date/Location:
Trends will take place Wednesday, October 28 fro 9:00 am to 4:30 pm EST at IT-oLogy, 1301 Gervais Street, Columbia, SC 29201.
Call for Speakers:
The 2015 Call for Speakers is now open. We’re looking for talks in the following areas:
Digital Transformation
A massive “digital transformation” is taking place in society and the pace is only accelerating. Industries, as well as organizations and individuals, are being impacted in ways never imagined. What are examples of this transformation? How is it having an impact? Why is it important?
Security, specific to the following areas:
C level/Executive – security issues impacting executives at all levels (decision makers). Those topics executives should be aware of and know about.
Technologists – issues impacting those at a hands-on technical level. Target audience here will be technologists.
Citizen 101 – issues impacting everyday citizens. Things they should be aware of. Examples might include a very basic overview of how to encrypt email and/or attachments (most don’t have a clue), why changing passwords often is a must-do (and how to keep up with all those passwords), and other like issues.
Do you have a presentation? We’d like to hear from you! Please fill out the form and Todd Lewis ( will respond!
While on vacation last week, I was surprised to receive an email from the organizers of DerbyCon informing me that my Blue Team Starter Kit talk was accepted. I was a bit surprised to have my talk accepted, then I was a little terrified to be speaking at one of the biggest and well known security conference in the US. Now I'm really excited to be speaking at the event and I look forward to the experience of not only speaking at DerbyCon but attending the conference as well.
Which leads to my next point. I need to figure out a place to stay. If anyone wants to split a room, get in touch. Also, I'll be driving to Louisville, KY, from Lexington, SC, anyone in between is more than welcome to contact me about a ride. I will be heading to the conference on the 24th of September.
Exploring Information Security
I will be working on getting the podcast feed setup for the Exploring Information Security podcast, so I can submit it to iTunes and begin releasing episodes next week. Feedback and suggestions for future episodes are welcome.