Information security podcast review

There are a lot of good information security related podcasts out there. Here are the ones I listen to and my impressions of the show. In no particular order.

PVC Security Podcast - FULL DISCLOSURE: I produce this show, would appreciate any feedback you have for the show positive or negative.

I love the passion and fun Paul and Ed bring to the show. They speak their mind and have some fun doing it. I take the quality of a show very seriously both from a technical and non-technical standpoint and I was happy to find that Paul and I share a lot of those same philosophies in the production of an audio show. We’re only 10 episodes in, so we’re still figuring some things out. When we created the podcast we decided that it wouldn’t cover news topics (though I did make them cover Sony) like several of the other podcast. Instead we wanted to focus on how to become a better information security professional and how to facilitate an improved security culture within an organization.

Security Weekly - This was one of the first podcast I was able to find on information security and it’s easily one of the top podcasts in the infosec community. It can get a little vulgar and can get a little off track, but the co-hosts are very knowledgeable and entertaining. It can get a little long, usually running 60-90 minutes, but that includes an interview, a demo and a news segment. Of the three segments the interviews are the best. I have gotten more information and ideas and tools out of this podcast than any other podcast I’ve listened to.

Down the Security Rabbithole - If you’re into enterprise security and want a more top level view of information security this is the podcast for you. They cover topics from an executive level as well as dive into the legal aspects of information security. They do cover news topics but do it from a much broader viewpoint. My only gripe with the show is that the audio quality can be lacking at times. The main issue being co-hosts being at different volume levels throughout the show. The audio quality seems to be getting better though

Risky Business - The best information security podcast out there. Patrick Gray is the Australian based podcast host and producer for the show. The production value of the podcast is high and well structured. He always has good interesting interviews and covers the news in an entertaining light-hearted way. If you’re only looking for only one security podcast to listen to, this has to be it.

Crypto-Gram Security - This is Bruce Schneier’s monthly podcast that basically has Dan Henage reading the articles Schneier posted on his website. Depending on how ofter Schneier writes, this podcast can be anywhere from 15 - 45 minutes long. Dan does a great job reading and producing the podcast. It’s a nice way to listen to Schneier articles. I usually pick up new things in the podcast that I missed reading his articles.

Defensive Security - This is another well produced show that takes a blue team approach to discussing topic and news items. From a technical aspect everything is sound. From a presentation standpoint it could use more energy. It is a good podcast that takes a slightly different angle on information security.  

Data Driven Security - This is the latest show I’ve picked up and I’ve loved the two episodes I’ve listened to so far. The topic, as the title suggests, is about data within information security, which might not appeal to everyone. Still it covers metrics within security, which is very much needed in every organization. I’m looking forward to seeing what I can learn from this show.

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.