What it's like in the SECTF soundbooth

In this on a whim episode of the Exploring Information Security podcast, Michelle joins me to discuss here time participating in the SECTF.

Michelle (@MlleLicious) was one of the contestants who competed on Friday in the Social Engineering Capture The Flag (SECTF). This year the SECTF focused on video game companies and Michelle (happily) pulled Disney. Getting up on stage in front of hundreds of people is already a nerve racking proposition. Now add in that you have to interact with another human being to try and get them to divulge information for points. As you'll hear this was Michelle's first year at DEFCON. She dove right in to the event and walked away from the even with an amazing experience.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is the SECTF
  • Why apply to the competition
  • What was her preparation for the contest
  • Where could she have improved