What is the Innocent Lives Foundation?


In this episode of Exploring Information Security, Chris Hadnagy and Shane McCombs join the podcast to discuss the Innocent Lives Foundation (ILF). They delve into the challenges of running a nonprofit focused on identifying and reporting online predators, the importance of volunteer mental health, and their personal experiences and motivations behind ILF.

Episode Highlights:

  • Challenges of Running ILF: Chris and Shane discuss the operational complexities and the importance of back-end work, including finances and CPA dealings.

  • Volunteer Involvement and Mental Health: Emphasis on mandatory wellness sessions for volunteers to ensure their mental well-being while dealing with disturbing content.

  • Personal Journeys and ILF’s Growth: Chris shares his unexpected journey from founding ILF to growing it with 40 volunteers and collaborating with the FBI.

  • Board Member Contributions: Stories about diverse board members, including actors and professionals from various fields contributing to ILF’s mission.

  • Prevention and Education Efforts: Shane highlights ILF's focus on preventing exploitation through education and engaging with parents and schools.


  • "Your children need to see you as their advocate, not their adversary." - On the importance of parental support in preventing exploitation.


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How to become a social engineer - Part 2

In this social episode of the Exploring Information Security podcast, Chris Hadnagy joins me to discuss how to become a social engineer.

Chris (@humanhacker) is the Chief Human Hacker at Social-Engineer, Inc. He's the author of several social engineer books. He also has his own podcast. This past summer he announced the Innocent Lives Foundation, which has the objective of unmasking anonymous online child predators through OSINT and relationships with law enforcement. He is a social engineering Hulk in the field of information security.

In this episode we discuss:

  • How to practice to become a social engineer

  • What is toastmasters

  • What college courses can help

  • What resources are available.

How to become a social engineer - Part 1

In this social episode of the Exploring Information Security podcast, Chris Hadnagy joins me to discuss how to become a social engineer.

Chris (@humanhacker) is the Chief Human Hacker at Social-Engineer, Inc. He's the author of several social engineer books. He also has his own podcast. This past summer he announced the Innocent Lives Foundation, which has the objective of unmasking anonymous online child predators through OSINT and relationships with law enforcement. He is a social engineering Hulk in the field of information security.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is social engineering

  • What skills are needed to become a social engineer

  • How much of social engineering is experience

  • What tools are used for social engineering