How Artificial Intelligence is impacting Cybersecurity with Steve Orrin


In this engaging episode, Timothy De Block speaks with Steve Orrin Federal CTO at Intel about the intersection of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. The conversation delves into the challenges and opportunities that AI presents in the cybersecurity landscape, exploring topics such as deep fakes, disinformation, and the implementation of AI in security practices.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. AI in Cybersecurity:

    • The rise of AI in both defensive and offensive cybersecurity strategies.

    • How AI is being used to enhance security measures and identify threats.

  2. Deep Fakes and Disinformation:

    • The challenges posed by deep fakes in the current digital landscape.

    • Techniques to detect and counteract deep fakes.

    • The implications of deep fake technology on public opinion and security.

  3. Practical AI Applications:

    • Real-world examples of AI in action within cybersecurity frameworks.

    • The role of AI in threat detection and response.

    • Implementing AI to automate routine security tasks, freeing up human resources for more complex issues.

  4. Policy and Ethical Considerations:

    • The importance of developing policies for the responsible use of AI.

    • Ethical considerations in deploying AI for cybersecurity purposes.

    • Balancing innovation with security in AI development.

  5. Future of AI and Cybersecurity:

    • Upcoming trends in AI and their potential impact on cybersecurity.

    • The evolving nature of cyber threats and how AI can adapt to these changes.

    • The need for continuous learning and adaptation in the face of rapidly advancing technology.

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