In this presented edition of the Exploring Information Security podcast, Dr. Jessica Barker joins me to discuss how to submit a presentation to a conference.
Jess (@drjessicabarker) runs the @cyberdotuk account on twitter and website. She's also the co-founder of Redacted Firm (@redactedfirm). She wrote an article last year that covered recommendations and tips for submitting to a conference Call for Papers (CFP). It all started with a tweet asking what's holding people back from submitting to a conference. Over 6,000 responses later there were a variety reasons, including "I don't know enough.' The article goes on to ask several organizers for their suggestions on submitting. In this podcast episode we dive into the article and much more.
In this episode we discuss:
How to get started submitting a CFP
Why submit a presentation to a conference
The different types of CFP review
What preparation is necessary