Fun infosec links August 21, 2014

How To Protect Your Personal Information Online - The Onion

A fun list of ways to keep your personal information safe online.

Special Note: for those unfamiliar with The Onion, it is a satirical site and not meant to be taken seriously.

Social Engineering a Telemarketer - Bruce Schneier - Schneier on Security

Telemarketer gets owned and it's wonderful. 

How to Use Your Cat to Hack Your Neighbor's WiFi - Andy Greenberg - Wired

Welcome to the infosec community my feline friend.

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.

WiFi Infosec links July 2, 2014

Bad Guys are Watching You (via insecure Wi-Fi) - Stefan Tanase - Kaspersky Lab Daily

WiFi security is really bad. I would be wary of joining any WiFi network out in public. Especially if it says free, and even more so if you were heading to Sao Paulo for the World Cup. The gist of the article here is that WiFi networks have bad security and so do apps.

And the World Cup Security Centre's WiFi password is... - Graham Cluley -

Dear organizations,

When you bring a photographer and a media person who is going to communicate to the public, please. PLEASE! Be very consciousness about what's around you.



"Free" Wi-Fi from Xfinity and AT&T also frees you to be hacked - Sean Gallagher - ars technica

What this world really needs is WiFi everywhere, because it's proven to be a secure way to communicate with the internet. Oh wait... This is a good article that goes into more technical detail and how you device can be pwned connecting to a public WiFi network.

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.