InfoSec Links July 28, 2014

Here's How Easy It Could Be for Hackers to Control Your Hotel Room - Kim Zetter - Wired

The attack surface for hotels will increase as more electronic amenities are added to rooms. Security should be kept in mind from both the hotel side and the guest side.

How Thieves Can Hack and Disable Your Home Alarm System - Kim Zetter - Wired

It looks like some home security companies have some work to do in the security arena. Codes are being transmitted in a way that allows someone with the right equipment to capture your home alarm system code and they don’t necessarily need to be standing in front of your house. I like the idea of rotating numbers similar to what you get with two-factor authentication.

The App I Used to Break Into My Neighbor's Home - Andy Greenberg - Wired

This is scary. And even more scary is the fact that the company who designed an app to make keys with a picture seems to downplay some of the concerns surrounding that technique.

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.

Hacking links June 5, 2014

'Half of American adults hacked' in the past year - really? - John Zorabedian - Naked Security

Recently, CNN reported on a study that claimed that 47% of US adults have been hacked. The thing is those percentages and the numbers might not actually be representative of the population. Also at question, the term hacked. Should employee negligence or insider theft be considered negligence? Probably not.

Thieves Planted Malware to Hack ATMs - Brian Krebs - Krebs on Security

This occurred in the Chinese territory of Macau. The process for the hack is quite interesting. The criminals slide a long skimming board down the ATMs card slot to install the malware. The malware would log anyone that used that information and a few days later they'd follow the same process to get the logged information and to remove the malware. Pictures of the device and the rest of the kit are featured in the article.

Hacking the Registry to keep Windows XP Updating - A Bad, Bad Idea - Rafal Los - Following the Wh1t3 Rabbit

Apparently, someone has figured that you can change the registry of a Windows XP machine to make it look like a Point-of-Sales (POS) terminal, which are still getting Windows XP updates. This might not be the best idea in the world as POS terminals are much different than a computer installed with Windows XP and patches could negatively affect system stability. If you're that desperate to get Windows Updates, just go ahead and upgrade your system. It will save you a love headache in the long run.

 This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.