InfoSec Links April 5, 2014

Fandango, Credit Karma settle with FTC over app security flaws - by Kate Tummarello - The Hill

If you build an insecure app the FTC is going to come after you. Hopefully, this will make developers start taking security into consideration when build apps. Especially, when it deals with some form of currency.

Web TV service Hacked, Details of 158,000 Forum Users Leaked - By Eduard Kovacs - Softpedia

If you have a account you might want to go change your password. And this is just another example of why you want to have different passwords for different accounts. If you need help with managing your password might I suggest Password Safe (look for a post in the future).

Big Brother Goes Dutch - by Lee Munson - Security Watch

The Dutch have voted fore more surveillance. /facepalm

 This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.