New archive feed!
A few weeks ago, I discovered that I had a problem with the Exploring Information podcast feed on iTunes. It was only holding the last 100 episodes. The first several had rolled off. The iTunes limit for podcasts is 300. I found out this was a limitation by Squarespace. I like having all my episodes available, because I try to make them as timeless as possible.
After a bit of research and work, I've managed to setup an archive feed for the podcast. This is an entirely separate feed that I will transfer older episodes over to as I need space on the original feed. You won't need do any changes to your current subscriptions. New episodes will continue to show up there. I will have to do this every 100 episodes I put out, which is just under two years.
Podcast ideas
I've run into an issue recently where I can't seem to get ahead on scheduling episodes. Part of this was the holidays, followed by going to CodeMash. I also run into the issue of infosec professionals (particularly ones with interesting things to say) are super busy. Some won't respond, others will respond with interest, then radio silence. #PodcasterProblems
I think I'm good now after my two most recently recorded sessions (I'm getting four episodes out of two recordings). However, I also think I want to sprinkle in some more solo episodes. I've got a long list of ideas for solo episodes that I think will help with putting out more content. I also think I'm going to create a list of people who I can go to on a more regular basis to discuss topics in a particular area. I still plan to have on new guests, but I think this will help with scheduling guests (and make my life a little easier). I am thinking of doing a or Google Hangouts stream for when I record episodes. I think it'd be cool to show you how I recording. It would also allow people to ask questions of the guest. A couple reasons why I don't like the idea is that it could end up being distracting. Having to manage a chat channel while talking to a guest isn't always ideal. I also try to loosen up the guests before the show and sometimes we talk about things that they or I don't want recorded. Maybe not a big deal if I go live when we start recording. Then there's also the fact that it could eat resources and cause things to crash (I need a new machine soon).
Thoughts and feedback in comments below, please.
Blogging more
I am planning on blogging on a more regular basis. There's something relaxing and soothing to get thoughts and ideas typed out. I've been trying the link posts. Those are nice but don't fill in the act of typing out a blog posts with coherent thoughts. I've also felt the pressure to put something useful out to the community. That can often lead to writers block and make the writing feel more robotic.
What I am going to try is blogging about the podcast, talk ideas, gaming, and maybe some personal journal type of stuff (my alcohol posts seem to resonate with people and I have an update!). That's it. See you soon!
This blog post first appear on Exploring Information Security.