Impressions from Bsides Nashville 2015

For the second year in a row, I traveled to Nashville this past weekend for it's local BSides security conference and like last year it was a wonderful conference to be apart of.

I took my camera again this year and I will have pictures from the conference before the end of the month is out. I've got school to wrap-up and several other things going on the next couple weeks. Time is very much at a premium for me right now, but I wanted to take a quick moment to highlight a couple of good things that happened at the conference.

First, I met several wonderful people this year, including: Amanda, Tim, Brett, Shelby, Frank, esSOBi, Adrian, and many many others. I also got to interact a little more with Lauren and Geoff and the rest of the BSides Nashville organizers this year, which was a treat. Putting together a security conference is a lot of work and they did a very good job again this year. I am already looking forward to next year.

The talks were again fantastic, though I didn't get to sit in as many as I did last year. A green track was added to the conference this year and it was completely packed for all the talks. There is a lot of interest in information security right now and there was proof in that track. I hope more security conferences, and in particular BSides, take note and start catering talks and content to people just starting out in security.

The one talk that stuck out to me the most was Johnny Xmas' "That's NOT my RJ45 Jack!: IRL Networking for Humans." The description is in the link and the talk is embedded below so I won't get into what makes the talk great. You'll just have to watch it. The one thing I will say is that this talk isn't just for security professionals. It's for professionals in general.

Watch it!

Almost forgot, the food was amazing again this year!

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.