Shellshock Bash bug links September 25, 2014

Bug in Bash shell creates big security hole on anything with *nix in it - Sean Gallagher - ars technica

Good starting point for understanding what the bash bug aka Shellshock is. To test your Linx, Unix, or Mac based equipment type this into the command line:

env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo this is a test"

If you get the world "vulnerable" as a response then your machine is affected by this bug.

Everything you need to know about the Shellshock Bash bug - Troy Hunt -

A longer, more in-depth look at the bug sweeping the internet. I would highly recommend reading this if you work in an IT department.

The Thanks-Rob Worm to Come - Richard Stiennon - securitycurrent

It appears someone has begun utilizing the bug to create a worm that downloads malware.

AWS users fret over downtime ahead of Amazon's massive EC2 reboot - Liam Tung - ZDNet

Shellshock isn't mentioned as a reason for the reboot, but a "critical security flaw" is and likely means that Amazon's Web Services are affected by this bug.


 This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.