InfoSec fun links June 10, 2014

Alleged robber caught after trying to befriend his victim on Facebook - Lisa Vaas - Naked Security

Apparently, mugging someone and then trying to friend them on Facebook is the new thing for criminals. Not much else to say here, except /facepalm.

Secret Service Software Will 'Detect Sarcasm' Social Media Users - Aliya Sternstein - Nextgov

Humans can barely do this! Now some software is going to do it? Good luck with that.

14-year-old code crackers hack Winnipeg ATM - Doug Lunney - Toronto Sun

ATMs are notoriously insecure. Not only can skimmers be placed on them and 90% of them around the world are running Windows XP, but also default settings aren't being changed on them. Two teenagers found a manual online for an ATM machine that allowed them to get into the operators mode. The best part of the story is that they went to the bank and informed the staff that they had done it, they didn't believe them. So the got permission to get proof and returned with six documents printed out from the operator mode. Only then did the staff take them seriously. Welcome to the world of security research kids.

 This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.