I've been wanting to do a podcast, for a while now, on information security. I wasn't sure what I wanted the objective of the podcast to be. Most of the information security podcasts out there, or at least the ones I listen to, usually do a guest interview and cover some of the latest news and happenings within the information security. I didn't want to spin up, yet, another one of those.
Instead I've decided to spin up a podcast that explores the world of information security. One of the things I've been hearing the infosec community needs are people to teach security to those inside and outside the community. I am still very much in the early stages of my career as an information security professional and trying to learn as much as I can. I thought a podcast that allowed me to share what I've learned and explored would make for a great podcast. So here we are and my first podcast is about how to get into information security.
Jimmy Vo presenting at BSides Asheville - How To Win Friends and Influence Hackers
To explore that topic I decided to do an interview with VioPoint consultant and roundhouse master Jimmy Vo (@JimmyVo). We covered how he got into information security and also talked about some of things people on the outside looking in can do to get into information security.
Feedback is very much appreciated and wanted. Leave them in the comment section or contact me via email.
This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.