InfoSec Links April 1, 2014

Trustmark Pulls out of Class-Action Suit Against Target and Trustwave - by Lee Munson - BH Consulting

The lawsuit was ridiculous to being with, so it's no surprise to see someone backing out this early. The language is key here and Trustwave is a service that provides appliances and compliance checks. It does not, itself, monitor Target's network. That's what Target's IT network is for.

Responding to Lawsuit, Trustwave Says Did Not Monitor Target's Network - by Mike Lennon - Security Weekly

In fact Trustwave said just that in it's response to the lawsuit.

Hackers Can Unlock Tesla Cars by Stealing Owners Passwords - Eduard Kovacs - Softpedia

Passwords for cars? Say it ain't so. Not only is the maximum password length ONLY six characters, but apparently the API allows mobile app developers to use those credentials. The Tesla is a $70,000 car.

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.