Console infosec links December 31, 2014

Grinches steal Christmas for Xbox Live, Playstation Network users - Eric Bangeman - ars technica

Hacker group Lizard Squad took credit for the DDoS attack via Twitter, promising to back off once they get a sufficient number of retweets. "Get this tweet 2,000RTS and make sure to follow @iBeZo if you want us NOT to hit XBOX and PSN #offline for the rest of the night! RT," the group tweeted Christmas night.

Darkode - Ode to LizardSquad (The Rise and Fall of a Private Community) - MalwareTech

With darkode as a cybercrime hotspot, it's not really a huge surprise that people working in the security industry gained interest in getting access. Researchers such as Xylitol and Brian Krebs dedicated a big part of their blogs to having the inside scoop on darkode, and although admins were very proactive in seeking out and banning security researchers; there was always another hacker to pay off or account to hijack, resulting in numerous threads hating on researcher and Brian Krebs becoming a meme. 

Who's in the Lizard Squad? - Brian Krebs - Krebs on Security

The core members of a group calling itself “Lizard Squad” — which took responsibility for attacking Sony’s Playstation and Microsoft‘s Xbox networks and knocking them offline for Christmas Day — want very much to be recognized for their actions. So, here’s a closer look at two young men who appear to be anxious to let the world know they are closely connected to the attacks.

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.