I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
This stoic is interesting. What defines a valuable use of ones time. Rounds of golf are called out as something being wasteful. I disagree because I’ve used golf as an opportunity to practice my stoicism. I’ve used it to stay in shape and active. I’ve used it to meet new people and hang out with friends. The challenge of it is something that not only stretches me physically but also mentally.
Is achievement in my career supposed to be what defines me? Be remembered? Do something that changes the world? Each person is different. Video games could also be looked at as wasteful. They too can stretch the mind. They can allow me to connect with friends and make new acquaintances. Some of my best friends are people whom I have never met. Maybe it’s not aimed at me. I've met my career goals and now I’m happy to live life. Spend time with friends and family. Try new things. I don’t need to be famous or some day have a book written about me. I’m just trying to be happy with who I am. Which is easier said than done.