I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Yesterday - You Choose The Outcome
Events in life are objective. How we choose to respond is what the outcome will be. It’s election week and I see a lot of emotion flying around. Those are all outcomes the person has made. It’s not a politician or the other party it’s their decision to be in that emotional state. I have decided to remove myself from that emotion. Whoever wins wins and there’s nothing really changing that. It’s a waste of energy to bicker and let loose emotions.
Today - Everything Is Change
To the point of the election comment above, everything is change. A candidate getting elected will only be in office for 4-8 years. This means bad presidents get out sooner at the four year mark and good presidents stay in longer. I’m sure many would argue that this or that president deserved longer or shorter terms. That misses the point that at some point the president must leave. Not so much in the congress or senate where terms can be a bit more lenient. Still even there eventually they will be out of the position.