I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
We have a choice in who and what we can become. I’ve been told I had a normal childhood. I guess that’s the case. My parents didn’t split until my brother and I were out of the house. I’ve always cursed that I wasn’t given more attention as I was growing up. I was left to the school of hard knocks. Which certainly has it’s benefit but I used to feel put me at a detriment. In the end it doesn’t matter. I’ve gone into life with a learners attitude. I think some of that is from the shows I used to watch as a kid.
No matter how impossible the situation the A-Team and MacGuyver always found a way out. I often wonder if those TV shows had more of an impact on me than the people around me. I doubt it. Still, you wonder. Either way, I’ve chose not to let my past hold me back on anything. I’ve decided that I can choose to be the person I want to be.