I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Monday - Binding Our Wishes To What Will Be
Golf is a powerful vessel for this stoic. I’ve had good rounds and bad rounds and rounds in between. Just when I think things are going well I start hitting poorly or maybe I’m hitting well and I hit a good shot into a bad outcome. It happens often and I’m still learning that what will happen happens. I can practice and prepare as much as I can and that helps minimize mistakes but in the end I can hit anywhere within a 20 shot range.
Yesterday - Following The Doctor’s Orders
I’ve accepted that nature has a roll to play in fate. That can be on the golf course or in life. It’s interesting how things with no relations add up. I’ve had a recent experience at work where things people have said to me make me wonder if it’s destiny to pursue something else. I’m not one necessarily to jump in to that though and I’m seeing if nature has another way of intervening. It could just be coincidence in the end.
Today - Not Good Nor Bad
Things happen. I can’t change them. I can control how I respond and try to learn from them.