I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Saturday - How To Be Powerful
I think athletes have a lot of stoicism. They have to in their role. I was at Game 5 of the World Series Sunday night and I noticed when they put current and former athletes on the big screen they usually waved their hand. The opposite of that were people super excited to get their shot on the big screen at the park. They’d often jump around and scream and shout. I thought this interesting that the athlete was calm and cool while the rest of us are very excited. I think that comes down to athletes focusing on themselves and don’t see a big need to be on that screen.
Yesterday - Actors In A Play
I feel I’m starting to figure out more of my role. Doing things like golf means have my own unique swing. I can’t copy what others do because my body type is different. My athleticism is different. I’m working to learn what that is and use that to my advantage. I think it’s similar to accepting life and the role I am to play in it. I don’t have a full picture but it is starting to get clearer.
Today - All Is Fluid
I love this because I’ve recently noticed the shift and change in me. I’ve made progress in some of the things I want to be doing in life. I’m sleeping more and consuming less. Things change. I’ve changed and what I used to do 20 years ago is not the way I am now. I am accepting and appreciative of this because I’m not where I want to be and really there is no end until it’s the end.