I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
July 15 - Receive Honors and Slights Exactly The Same Way
Often after making a really good score in golf on a round or hole there’s excitement. The reverse of that is frustration. I’ve found staying even keeled a more effective approach in getting lower scores overall.
July 16 - Somewhere Someone’s Dying
I don’t watch the news. Most of it isn’t relevant to me. I also find a lot of it negative and toxic. I try to consume news on what is relevant to me. Most that is in my field.
July 17 - What’s On Your Tombstone
I’m working longer hours lately. It’s not something I often do. There is a necessity there. My family still comes first though.
July 18 - When Good Men Do Nothing
I find it interesting that the previous stoic talks about not getting involved in the world’s suffering. Then this blanket stoic on doing what’s not evil or fighting against evil. I think it’s nuanced. If you have an opportunity you then do something.
July 19 - Where is Anything Better
Virtue is the one thing worth striving for. I have found that attaining goals means I have to create new goals for myself. I can get a bit of analysis paralysis with setting goals. Striving for virtue is something I believe can help replace the endless cycle of personal goal.s
July 20 - Check Your Privilege
Staying patient with others can require a lot of work. I’ve had certain advantages and expereinces that shape my perspective. Not everyone has that. If they did they still may have a differeing opinion. I’ve learned to forgive myself for screw ups because I am a product of that. There is both good and bad. Right and wrong. I can strive to better understand.
July 21 - A Cure For The Self
Philosophy is designed to help us live the good life. This is why I practice this journal. To help improve myself. To identify my bad habits and start to work on them.
July 22 - Stoic Joy
Joy is internal. It doesn’t necessarily show itself. I’ve had people at work tell me there’s a difference since I’ve studied stoicism. I have others tell me they see me as calm at work. It doesn’t feel like it because I feel I am vocal about things. For some thing I’m willing to say what I’m going to say and then move on. I feel if I do a good job my actions will be highlighted in results.
July 23 - Your Career is Not a Life Sentence
For me work has always been something that provides for my family. I feel I could have been successful in a lot of different areas.
July 24 - Don’t Go Expecting Perfection
I’ve had enough experiences in life to know that plans don’t always go the way I want it. This happened when I was visiting South Carolina. Plans were made and most of them didn’t go as expected. It happens.
July 25 - We Can Work Any Way
Speaking of plan falling through. When they did I took them as an opportunity to do something else. Wallowing in self-pity I would have missed out on those opportunities.
July 26 - The Good Life is Anywhere
I am struggling to identify the opportunity I have right now. I’m alone. There’s opportunity to work on projects and read. Yet I have a strong feeling of disappointment. No one has reached out to me to hang out. It’s not a fun feeling to feel like people have better things to do. I am working to re-frame and take this time as an opportunity to practice patience and stoicism.
July 27 - No Blame, Just Focus
Don’t get emotional. Get focused. That is something I’m struggling with now. I have strong emotions right now after a day of work. I just got some awful news from a buddy that is adding on all sorts of other emotions. It’s tough to get focus. I spent yesterday having issues with focus. I was focused on one thing but avoiding emotions all together. Or rather I was avoiding certain emotions.
July 28 - Silence is Strength
My wife probably doesn’t feel this way about me. She likes to talk and get the thoughts out of my head into words. It is hard for me to stay silent based on my background and role. As a leader I do try to be the last one to talk. To remain silent until others have said what they need to say.
July 29 - There is Always More Room to Maneuver Than You Think
If I don’t have plans I feel like the time is wasted. I like being around people and doing things. I’m trying to reframe free time by myself as an opportunity. I’m going to a conference soon where I don’t know if I’ll know anyone there. I’m trying to take it as an opportunity to explore out on my own. And hey maybe I run into someone I know.
July 30 - Pragmatic and Principled
Wherever I go or whatever I do I can keep my same practicality and principles.
July 31 - Start With Where The World Is
I feel like this is a stoicism about appreciating all the little things. Looking for opportunities and excepting what the world has delivered. Look for those opportunities in scenarios where things don’t go as planned.
Yesterday - Stick With Just The Facts
Stay with the first impression. When I have people cancel on me or don’t respond to texts or other messages my initial thought is to accept that they probably have something going on. As time continues though other thoughts start invading my mind. They can start to eat at that initial impression.
Today - Perfection is the Enemy of Action
I’ve never been one for perfection. I will often go with good enough or put things out there with the idea that they can be refined over time.