I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Monday - Stop Caring What People Think
This hits because at the moment I’m feeling a bit down about work. I feel like I’m not good enough based on things others have said. They’re not directed necessarily at me as a person but I’m taking them harsher than maybe I should. I am accomplished in my career and my decisions. I need to recognize that and feel full.
Yesterday - Sweat The Small Stuff
Small steps towards better decisions. I have good days and bad days and everything in between. I have to remind myself of the progress I’ve made. I need to make smaller better decisions. Get those decisions ingrained and move onto the next small good decision.
Today - The First Two Things Before Acting
Don’t get upset and do the right things. I’ve started to notice that when I have a rough day at work or get upset I tend to let that lead to poor decisions in the evening. I’m working on that and they have improved. I still have those nights though.