I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
This is another daily stoic about our own judgements and choices. We choose how we react to things. That’s the key to stoicism. To not avoid the disruptions of other people. We can’t control those. We can control how we choose to react to those. Driving is a good example.
Other drivers annoy the crap out of me (as I probably annoy them). They’re either driving to fast in and out of traffic or driving too slow in the left lanes. They’ll cut you off or decide at the last minute they have to get off at this exit or make a turn they’ve already passed. I often grumble in these scenarios. I use my grandfather’s favorite word, “Dunderhead!” It used to be much worse with screaming and yelling and rage. When I get that way I am unsteady. I think the drive to and from work are a great place to practice avoid my own harmful and disruptive judgements.