I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Wednesday - Push For Deep Understanding
This is about taking the time to learn something intimately. One example is the daily stoic. We could blow through the book in a month. Instead we’re taking it one day at a time. My initial read was on oneself. This may or may not apply. Each day I’m learning something new about myself. I’m going deeper into myself more than I have ever before. It feels calming and freeing.
Thursday - The Only Prize
I was just talking to a buddy about the kind of cars we would get. For him it more of a classic Mustang. For me I was happy in my Honda Accord (I’d like one with a stick shift). I didn’t need an expensive car. If I were it would probably be something like an Audi R8. The expenses for having that kind of car would seem impractical, so I’m not sure I’d actual buy one if I were to suddenly come into a lot of money. I’ve always tried to operate in a practical way with things.
We downsized our house moving from South Carolina to Tennessee, because we had so much extra stuff we really didn’t need (I have a touch of minimalist in me). It’s helped when we walk through Costco and see something we think could be useful, but doesn’t really have a spot in the house. I’m still using the same computer desk at home that I bought in 2003 from Target. I try to do that with all my things. I’ve wandered of the key message, which is to prize the things you have not the things you don’t have. Prizing what others have and you don’t leads down the path of envy and jealousy.
Friday - The Power Of Mantra
“I have the power witihin me to keep that out. I can see the truth.” This follows along with what we control, which is our choices and thoughts. I’ve started deploying a semblance of this mantra in my daily life. When I get angry at fellow commuters or people at work. It’s been really helpful in calming me and allowing me to eschew emotional responses.
Saturday - The Three Areas Of training
Desires and aversions; motivations; and reason. All three effect one another. Our desires and aversions are impacted by our motivations and reason. Our motivations are impacted by desires and aversions and reason. And our reason is impacted by our desires and aversions and motivations. These are the areas we are training. We must identify our desires and aversions. Then we determine our motivations for them. Are they for the right reasons? Then we use reason. Reason can be impacted by emotions.
I’m starting to gain an understanding that emotions can have a huge negative impact on our choices and how we perceive things. I’m trying to think of an example where emotion has had a positive impact. I guess it helps with building relationships with people. The other day I was a bit frustrated (emotion) and I used emotion (anger) to blow off some steam. The blowing off steam part though put me at risk of getting injured or injuring someone else, so maybe that wasn’t a good thing. All these are exercises though in training the three areas.