I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
This is a great stoic. Live in the present without the emotions that bring misery and dissatisfaction. This is of course easier said than done. It does get easier with practice however. I’m curious if people who are diagnosed with depression or some other mental illness can practice getting out of those states with mindfulness and practice.
Social media is a cesspit of emotions. Maybe not cesspit, because there are positive emotions and I try to lean towards those. The Astros cheating scandal is one of those things that has caused strong emotions. What they did was wrong and I still support the team. Mistakes are made. I don’t think they’re the only team that was doing it. I think there will be more cheating at some point in the future. It’s in the history of the game. Players are always trying to gain an advantage.
The emotions on the topic are strong. Outrage from other fan bases. Specifically, those that played the Astros in the 2017 playoffs and lost. Astros fans feel like they’re being singled out. Others are leaning into the bad guy role. Which just tends to escalate things. I’ve taken a much more casual approach. I enjoy the funny and creative things that have come out of this. There are some really great images and videos out there. A few of my buddies were showing me some of the stuff last night and I was laughing along with them. Getting upset at the team isn’t going to change things. Getting upset at the other fan bases and the injustice isn’t going to change things. I’d prefer to experience the moment and enjoy it at some level.