I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Yesterday - The Good Life Is Anywhere
Where ever we are is the good life. I don’t need a fancy home or a ton of money to live the good life. The good life is where I am at and what I make of it.
Today - No Blame, Just Focus
The stoic talks about Nelson Mandela and how he found creativity in and held his head while imprisoned. I’ve felt very emotional the last few days. There have been a series of events that have frustrated me. They’re small and eventually they add up. I’ve tried reeling in my emotions by meditating and by distracting myself. I’ve felt this before on a few occasions in the past. I think I’m blaming my past self a lot and reacting emotionally to the things that are happening. Instead this stoic suggests I ignore the emotions and focus on what I can control.