I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
I thought I was going to hate this one, because I’m trying to create some new habits to get rid of old ones. This is essentially what the stoic of today is. Break out of bad habits that make us mindless and uninspiring. The example used is, “Because that’s the way we’ve always done things.” Which if you work in security, I’m sure you’ve heard. My response is usually that it’s not the way forward.
That’s not to say that we become inspired monks. Rather we should know why we’re doing what we’re doing and for the right reasons. For me, I seem to be in a rut that started yesterday. I’m trying to figure it out. A glass of whiskey and some Letterkenny sounds good right now to try and distract myself and relax a bit. Is that a good enough reason? I don’t know. I’ll find out.