Media arts internship January 23, 2015

Tonight I put the review from last years top 30 prospect special together:

I had to edit some audio at the end of commentary and take a few out to make it fit into the four minutes of music I had. I got the music from a guy I used to work with at the church my wife attended. It’s music we used to use for the podcast open, but have since moved on. It’s got an uptempo rock feel so I like using it for these reviews. One of the things I try to bring to my podcasts is energy. Often times that means I’ll drink an energy drink before I go live so that I have that little extra enthusiasm. I also finished the post for the Saturday podcast and rewrote the section about contacting me for feedback.

We're doing our live show at 4 p.m. CT on the Crawfish Boxes if you're interested in tuning in.