Dilbert on certification pic.twitter.com/qbDNMAyu8d
— John Appleby (@applebyj) April 27, 2014
It's a floppy disk.
It's a goddamn 8" floppy disk.
It's Security by Antiquity.
— Mikko Hypponen (@mikko) April 28, 2014
Are you an infosec wasp or bee? pic.twitter.com/5mV5FgbGjA HT to @oakinger for the find.
— Javvad Malik (@J4vv4D) May 11, 2014
Our Internet of old time :) pic.twitter.com/cOW6XWCGfN
— Swati Khandelwal (@Swati_THN) May 11, 2014