What is cryptography?

Originally posted July 30, 2014.

In the fourth edition of the Exploring Information Security (EIS) podcast, I talk to the smooth sounding Justin Troutman a cryptographer from North Carolina about what cryptography is.

Justin is a security and privacy research currently working on a project titled, "Mackerel: A Progressive School of Cryptographic Thought." You can find him on Twitter (@JustinTroutman) discussing ways in which crypto can be made easier for the masses. Be sure to check out his website for more information.

In the interview Justin talks about

  • What cryptography is
  • Why everyone should care about cryptography
  • What some of it's applications are
  • How someone would get started in cryptography and what are some of the skills needed

What is a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

Originally July 9, 2015.

In the third edition of the Exploring Information Security (EIS) podcast my infosec cohort Adam Twitty and I talk to the Wh1t3 Rabbit, Rafal Los, about what exactly a Chief Information Security Officer, otherwise known as CISO, is.

Rafal Los (@Wh1t3Rabbit) is the Director of Solutions Research at Accuvant. He produces the Down The Security Rabbithole podcast and writes the Following the Wh1t3 Rabbit security blog. On several occasions he's tackled the CISO role within an organization on both his podcast and blog.  I would highly recommend both if you're in the infosec field or looking to get into it.

In the interview Rafal talks about:

  • What a CISO is
  • What role does a CISO fill in an organization
  • Who skills are needed to be an effective CISO
  • The different types of CISOs

How to organize an information security conference

Originally posted on July 2, 2015.

In the second edition of the Exploring Information Podcast (EIS) my infosec cohort Adam Twitty and I talk to Ed Rojas about how to put together an information security conference.

Ed Rojas (@EdgarR0jas) is a Master Consultant for HP Enterprise Security and the creator of Security Zone information security conference in Columbia and the organizer of the BSides Nashville security conference. I had the pleasure of attending BSides Nashville this year and got the opportunity to snap a few pictures. Ed was a very accommodating and passionate host for the event. 

In this interview Ed talks about:

  • The first step to organizing a security conference
  • The time and effort it requires
  • How to pick the right date
  • The biggest challenges putting together an event
  • Some of the mistakes that were made
  • Where to host the event

How to get into information security

Originally posted June 25, 2014

I've been wanting to do a podcast, for a while now, on information security. I wasn't sure what I wanted the objective of the podcast to be. Most of the information security podcasts out there, or at least the ones I listen to, usually do a guest interview and cover some of the latest news and happenings within the information security. I didn't want to spin up, yet, another one of those.

Instead I've decided to spin up a podcast that explores the world of information security. One of the things I've been hearing the infosec community needs are people to teach security to those inside and outside the community. I am still very much in the early stages of my career as an information security professional and trying to learn as much as I can. I thought a podcast that allowed me to share what I've learned and explored would make for a great podcast. So here we are and my first podcast is about how to get into information security.

To explore that topic I decided to do an interview with VioPoint consultant and roundhouse master Jimmy Vo (@JimmyVo). We covered how he got into information security and also talked about some of things people on the outside looking in can do to get into information security.

Feedback is very much appreciated and wanted. Leave them in the comment section or contact me via email.


The Final Episode

In this final edition of the Exploring Information Security podcast, I talk about my reasons for stopping production on episodes.

This isn’t the easiest thing to do. Now that I’m writing the podcast post after recording and editing the podcast, I have a sense of relief. For the last month plus, I’ve tried to decide whether or not to shut down the podcast. The fact that it took this long to record a final episode tells me that it was time. I wrote about my reasoning in a blog post on the main page. This may or may not be the end. That largely depends on if someone would like to pick up the podcast and produce it themselves. I’d love to guide and mentor someone on the journey.

The podcast has been beneficial to me and the many people who have reached out providing appreciative feedback. I’d love to see it continue. I’m also content that this is the end of the podcast. I will be at BSides Nashville shooting pictures and very likely be at DEFCON manning the Social Engineering door. Come see high or reach out to me on social media (@TimothyDeBlock) or email (timothy[.]deblock[@]gmail[.]com).