Exploring Information Security

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How to pick a lock

In this picky edition of the Exploring Information Security podcast, Adrian Crenshaw joins me to discuss lockpicking and how to pick a lock.

Adrian (@Irongeek_adc) contributes a lot to the infosec community. He's at a lot of different conferences around the country. When he attends dinners at those conferences you can usually see him carrying around a big chain of locks and a monster wallet of lock picks. I've learned to pick locks with Adrian at a few of these dinners and thought it would make a good topic for the podcast.

In this episode we discuss:

  • How to lock pick
  • What are Bogota picks
  • How video games are bad for lockpicking
  • What is lock bumping
  • What happens when you bring lock picks on a plane


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How to pick a lock With Adrian Crenshaw

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