Exploring Information Security

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How to get a DerbyCon ticket

In this scavenger edition of the Exploring Information Security podcast, I provide tips on getting a ticket to DerbyCon.

DerbyCon tickets went on sale May 6, 2017. Two minutes before the official release time, tickets were already sold out. This led to some controversy surrounding the release of tickets five minutes before. This was something that the conference has done for years. Last year the conference sold out in hours. This year it became a problem. There is still plenty of time to secure a ticket. Here are some ways to do that (h/t @PyroTek3).

DerbyCon Twitter account: DerbyCon plans to release more tickets in smaller batches. Watch their Twitter account for more information.

Watch Twitter: Plans change. People will be selling tickets leading up to the conference. Expect an increase in people looking to sell their tickets the month before the conference. I would also recommend paying attention for when speaker notifications go out. Usually around early August.

Submit a talk: The year I began speaking, I got accepted to speak at DerbyCon. The conference prefers new talks and loves new speakers. If you have an idea go for it. You never know. 

Volunteer: It takes a lot of people to run a conference. Volunteers get a free ticket to the con. You will have to work the conference. Which also may result in making some new friends and connections.

Sponsor the conference: DerbyCon is still looking for sponsors. Included in the sponsor package are tickets to the con.

Contests: Keep a look out for contests involving tickets. For example the Brakeing Down Security podcast is putting on a CTF for DerbyCon tickets. 

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How to get a DerbyCon ticket

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