Exploring Information Security

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What is BSides Nashville?

In this musical edition of the Exploring Information Podcast, organizers Jennifer Samardak and Finn Breland join me to discuss BSides Nashville.

BSides Nashville (@bsidesnash) is the second BSides I attended and the only one I've attend each year since it's inception. It's a really well put together conference. They have three tracks. They have the usual side areas with lock picking, hardware hacking, and a kids area. The best part though is the lunch. They cater lunch from Martin's BBQ. One of Nashville's best BBQ places. I would put the food up against any conference. I join Jen (@jsmardak) and Finn (@FinnBreland) to talk about all that and much more.

BSides Nashville is April 22, 2017, at Lipscomb University. Tickets are sold out. A waiting list is available for those hoping to attend.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is BSides Nashville
  • Who should attend the conference
  • What makes it's unique
  • Where are the places to visit in Nashville?

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What is BSides Nashville With Jennifer Samardak and Finn Breland

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