Exploring Information Security

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How to hack iOS - Part 1

In this fruity episode of the Exploring Information Security podcast, Wes Widner joins me to discuss how to hack iOS.

Wes (@kai5263499) is a cloud engineer, who loves to dig into Apple product security. Last year (and on a previous episode) he discuss how Macs get malware. He's back again this year to discuss how to hack iOS. He will be speaking at BSides Hunstville February 3, 2018. If you have a chance to go, be sure to check out his talk. Also, check out is OSX security awesome list on GitHub. It's a really useful set of links on This dude is really smart.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is his talk about?

  • What's the difference between application and device hacking

  • What skills are needed to hack iOS

  • How Apple works with law enforcement

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How to hack iOS - Part 1 With Wes Widner

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