Exploring Information Security

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What is the Rural Technology Fund?

In this non-profit edition of the Exploring Information Security podcast, Chris Sanders joins me to discuss the Rural Technology Fund.

Chris (@chrissanders88) grew up at a disadvantage. He wasn't rich or handed a great educations. He speaks of being part of the free lunch kids at school. He's managed to turn himself into a successful information security professional, with his own company and non-profit. A lot of that is due to his teachers and mentors encouraging his interest in computers. The Rural Technology Fund is a way for him to give back and give other kids an opportunity to see if they have a spark for technology.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What is the Rural Technology Fund?

  • How it got started.

  • How people can apply for funding.

  • How people can contribute.

Ways to donate can be found at their website. Also, make sure to pick them as your charity for Amazon Smile.

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What is the Rural Technology Fund With Chris Sanders

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