Some thoughts on infosec and social media

I posted the thought above on Twitter a couple nights ago.

Rereading it, I feel I need to expand upon my idea, because there are a couple motivators for the tweet. First, the tweet was not worded very well. It comes off as saying that people on Twitter are not as good as those not on Twitter. This wasn’t my intention. I think there are really good people both on and off Twitter. The idea is more about myself and evaluating whether or not I’d be a better infosec person if I were to stay off Twitter.

A majority of the people I work with on the security team are not on Twitter. All of them are really good at what they do. I know there are more of those types of people, because I’ve worked with others who are really good at what they do. Twitter is a very small subset of the people within the infosec field. I think it’s important that what is said and done on Twitter doesn’t necessarily reflect on the entire industry. I was also watching a YouTube video at the time of a buddy of mine who has a Twitter account, but doesn’t tweet a lot. He’s really smart and is doing some pretty amazing things in the field. I’ve wondered if I need to be spending more time being productive and less time on Twitter.

Twitter being just a small part of Twitter is also why I was a bit disappointed to hear that this year is DerbyCon’s last. I like to go to DerbyCon. I have a good time and I catch up with friends and make new ones. There’s a lot of positives to the conference. Unfortunately, there is also some drama, which gets amplified by Twitter. It’s draining on the conference organizers. I get it and I don’t have any ill feelings towards their decision. It’s their conference.

What I think it highlights to me is that sometimes we need to step out of our own little bubble and look around. Twitter, and social media, is our own little world. We create it and curate it to our beliefs and preferences. It can certainly be a useful tool for information, but it can also create our own bubble that consumes and drowns us.

Things that get our attention the most are on social media are controversial. It’s frustrating and depressing. I take solace in the fact that there’s a larger world with the those things but also a lot more good.

ShowMeCon wrap-up and what's ahead

I know. I know. It's been two weeks since ShowMeCon. I've been busy! Within hours the neighbors wanted to hang out (I brought the St. Louis beer). The next day, I had a big case of the don't give a shits. I didn't get a podcast ready for that night's release.

I went to work Monday expecting to head home and work on some stuff (like get a podcast out). Instead I was informed the development team I work with was heading to Nashville Sounds game, because some people were in from out of town and I was invited. I went. Tuesday, I played soccer for two and half hours, because I like pain (I didn't regain full functionality of my legs until Saturday). Wednesday was a social night, because those same people were in town (yay!). I got home and got the podcast out, three days late. Thursday, I wrote about suicide. Friday, I wrote about password policy. Both very serious topics.

Things sort of got normal after that. I took the weekend to kind of dink around on stuff I wanted to do. Monday I got two of the four podcasts edited I needed to. I was invited over the neighbors Tuesday for beer and baseball. Finally, last night I got four podcasts scheduled. I'm heading to Asheville tomorrow for BSides Asheville (still looking for a ticket). Much beer (and maybe a podcast) will be involved. Tonight is the night for me to write something and hopefully get a little Overwatch in. Damn I've been busy. Didn't really realize that until writing it down.

Back to ShowMeCon. This was my third year and fantastic as always. It's the ideal security conference. The hackers think it's too businessy. The business people think it's two hackery. There are more women at this conference than any other security conference, I've been to combined. I love it!

I did my first ever podcast panel, which went really well for being the first time. They had a personal trainer there to talk about health and fitness. There were a lot of questions at the end. This might be something I need to write about. I do work at a wellness company after all!

During the conference I managed to get two interviews for the podcast recorded. I really like the idea of recording interviews at conferences. It's a much better vibe when the two people are in person. It flows better. There's the low rumble of the crowd. The low thud of doors smacking closed. It's fantastic. Those will be releasing over the next two weeks.

Now that ShowMeCon is over, I've been re-evaluating my desire and need for submitting to conferences. I've been speaking since 2015. It's a great challenge and a good career booster. Now that I'm at a company that I adore and in a role that continues to expand, I'm starting to wonder the value I'm getting out of submitting to conferences. I love sharing ideas and challenging myself to become a better speaker. The downside to speaking is that it takes time away from my family.

I have two kids still in the single digits. I'd like to spend more time with them. At one point I was slated to be at 12 conferences this year. With other obligations, conflicts, and one conference not happening this year, I'm down to eight. That's still quite a bit. I've presented at all five I've gone to this year. It's not just going to the conference that takes time. It's also the preparation leading up to the conference. I spend several hours putting the talk together. Then I spend the week leading up to the conference practicing the talk. This is on top of the weekly podcast I produce.

I spend a lot of time in the field. Because of my expanding role I'm spending more time at work now too. I'm trying to find that balance. I'd like to spend more time with my kids. I think that will be at the cost of the conferences I attend. If I do submit a talk, it'll be for a podcast panel. The preparation for that is much easier than a full blown talk. I'd like to say I'm cutting back on conferences, but I don't think it'll take much for me to go to a conference (someone asks). We'll see.

 This blog post first appear on Exploring Information Security

Digging into the new NIST password policy recommendations

I've had a few instances recently, where questions around the new NIST password policy recommendations have popped up. It first happened last week when I was at ShowMeCon. The second question for our panel was around the new NIST recommendation for passwords. Then I had someone ask me about it in the comment sections on this site. I feel like there was another instance, but I can't remember it.

I tweeted out the poll above on Twitter. As you can see two-thirds of infosec professionals like it. I am in that camp as well. There was some great discussion on why it's not a good recommendation in the replies to the poll. Dave Chronister was also against it on the panel at ShowMeCon. I decided I wanted to dig into it a little more.

My understanding of it is that NIST recommends increasing the minimum requirement for password complexity and ditching the rotation of passwords every 90 days. The idea being that people are more willing to remember longer and more complex passwords if they don't have to rotate it as often. I've asked some people at work about this and they are in favor of not having to change their password as much.

I know how easy it is to either crack or compromise someone's credentials via a phish. The question I have is if anyone on a penetration test has had their credentials stop working because that person's password was 90 days old (If you've had this experience I would love to hear about it in the comments). In my view this new recommendation improves the user experience while asking them to improve their password. Someone would still need to rotate their password if compromised.

Before we get to far down user experience, lets take a step back and look at what NIST actually recommends. The guideline is NIST 800-63b. This is my first time reading it as I'm writing this post (and having a delicious home-brewed chocolate milk stout).

We're looking at section There it says password lengths, "...SHALL be at least 8 characters in length if chosen by the subscriber." It goes on to say later, "No other complexity requiremnets for memorized secrets SHOULD be impost." There is no mention, specifically, of rotating passwords. My assumption is that it was removed from the documentation. According to it added the requirement to screen for commonly used or easily guessable passwords. Which I see in

Based on that NIST is suggesting we ditch password complexity and rotating passwords, but keeping an 8 character minimum. I'm not sure I'm on board with that. I'd prefer to require longer passwords and ditch complexity and rotation of passwords. I think there needs to be a give and take here with passwords. We'll require less rotation of passwords (they're just enumerating anyways) for longer passwords. That doesn't seem to be the case with the new NIST recommendation.

I like the idea of challenging some of our old ways of doing things in the industry. I recently talked to someone about passwords. They were complaining to me about how many passwords they had to remember. I asked if they were using a password manager. They were not. That was a red flag right there that they were probably using weaker passwords. That also meant they were probably enumerating their password by numbers or characters. Which meant that even if they rotated their password you could probably guess the new one.

I am a big believer in practical security. I think it's a good approach. It's a good balance between meeting people's needs and getting security most of what they want. If ditching the rotation of passwords results in longer and stronger passwords I'm all for it. I like the idea of checking for commonly used or easily guessable passwords. I really like the idea of checking for compromised passwords from a site like Have I Been Pwned?

Converge and BSides Detroit wrap-up


Last week, I headed to Detroit for a wonderful conference called Converge. It was quickly followed on Saturday by BSides. This is one of staple conferences every year. The crowd is great. The venue is top notch. The other speakers are fantastic. The organizers are awesome! And of course dueling coney dog restaurants. 

This year I got the opportunity to both speak and put on a workshop. The topic is the one I've been peddling all year, Social Engineering for the Blue Team. The talk went well enough. I had to transfer slides to our new company template and I missed some notes. The workshop went really well. I got some great feedback and found some refinements that need to be made. I only had six people in the workshop. Which worked out well, because I had a lot of back and forth and contributions from the crowd. I look forward to doing it again in the future.

I recorded one podcast interview and then did another conference interview that will come out this week. I'm going to try and do more podcast interviews while I'm conferences. Before I wanted to enjoy the conference and not worry about audio equipment and recording. That's a bit selfish, because I think I can record in-person with people. This would ideally lead to some better quality interviews and content. Shout out to Jesse who told me that he liked the new format. Thanks Jesse!

I'm playing with the format a bit so, I think this can slide in nicely. I plan to record some impromptu interviews where I just hit the record button and go. I think for the over-the-internet interviews I'll use my old format. I'll tweak it a bit. Ditch the old opening where I have the interviewee listen in. Instead I'll record an intro for each episode. This will allow me to give impressions of the interview and any promotional things. Still experimenting.

The conference went really well. I caught up with some friends and made some new ones in the process. If you missed it this year, I highly encourage you to check it out next year.