My presentation for this year is Threat Modeling. My first stop is the 2024 Palmetto Cybersecurity Summit Feb 21-22, 2024, in Columbia SC. I’ll also be speaking at BSides Nashville May 11, 2024, and ShowMeCon May 13-14, 2024.
But Why? meme from Harold and Kumar go to White Castle
Why this talk?
I’ve done 10 different topics publicly. Six of those talks had threat modeling in them. It’s something I bring up in over half of my talks. It’s low cost, easy to implement, easy to get started, and provides a tremendous amount of value. It’s main purpose is to talk through all the things that can go wrong but it also does a really good job of getting everyone on the same page.
One of my first sessions doing threat modeling one of the developers said, “I thought we were doing this in the cloud.” “Nope, we’re doing it in the data center.” That’s a pretty big difference in development and infrastructure efforts. The other thing threat modeling does is it get’s people into a security mindset. Thinking like a hacker isn’t a mindset a lot of people utilize. They’re builders; not breakers. To have an effective session and to start building that security mindset we have to show them the ways of the darkside.
Providing developers with a security mindset is the farthest left we can shift security into the software development lifecycle (SDLC). We can’t go any further than while they’re coding. They like to build things and don’t often think about how things can go wrong. Doing threat modeling at the design phase allows security to be thought about before development begins. This streamlines security into the SDLC and prevents security issues from popping up later in the process and in production.
A lack of threat modeling in the real-world
NotPetya leveraged a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows, EternalBlue and was further propelled by a compromised update mechanism of a widely used Ukrainian accounting software called M.E.Doc. Once a system was infected, NotPetya would encrypt the master boot record, rendering the computer unable to boot.
The impact of NotPetya was massive and far-reaching, affecting businesses, government entities, and infrastructure worldwide. Major multinational companies, including Maersk, Merck, FedEx's TNT Express, and many others, reported significant disruptions to their operations and financial losses. The total damages from the NotPetya attack are estimated to be in the billions of dollars, making it one of the costliest cyber incidents to date.
From a threat modeling standpoint this was an attack that unintentionally crossed network boundaries in the Ukraine and made it’s way to the United States. Network segmentation is an important talking point for projects that involve multiple countries and sensitive data.
SolarWinds Supply Chain Attack
Malicious actors compromised the software build system of SolarWinds, a company that produces network and infrastructure monitoring solutions. The attackers inserted a vulnerability into the software update mechanism, which was then distributed to thousands of SolarWinds' customers, including government agencies and Fortune 500 companies. This sophisticated attack highlighted the need for comprehensive threat modeling that includes supply chain risks and third-party dependencies.
Insider threat is an important talking point with internal processes that aren’t exposed to the internet. To kick start the conversation with developers and others new to threat modeling I often bring up insider threat to get the attack ideas flowing.
23andMe Hack
A credential stuffing attack was used by attackers to gain access to 14,000 accounts. 6.9 million users were ultimately impacted due to sharing permissions within the platform. While bad passwords are a problem, development teams via threat modeling can come up with solutions to a credential stuff attack. Multifactor Authentication (MFA), password strength, and detection for these types of attacks are all mitigating controls that can be put in place. Sharing permissions can also be discussed as part of a threat modeling session to ensure proper authorization mechanisms are in place and personal information isn’t exposed to a broader audience.
In the next blog post we’ll cover what is threat modeling?
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