Exploring Information Security

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Maximizing Your Conference Experience: preparing for the 2024 Palmetto Cyber Summit

There’s going to be some really great talks at the 2024 Palmetto Cyber Summit

I will be at the 2024 Palmetto Cyber Summit February 21-22, 2024, in Columbia, South Carolina. The schedule is up and I’ll be speaking at 2:15 pm ET in SALON C on the first day, February 21. One of the things I like to do as I prepare for a conference is pick out a schedule for myself. This usually doesn’t take long about 20 minutes. Picking the talks I’d like to go see allows me to utilize the conference to its fullest.

Now, I don’t go to most of the talks at a conference because I usually end up talking to people. HallwayCon can be a great use of time to network and gain knowledge from other people at the conference. When I’m not talking to someone that’s when I’ll usually hop into a presentation. In the post I want to walk through my process for anyone who is new to going to a conference.

The first step is to pick a place to put down the talks of interest. This should be something mobile friendly. At one point I was using Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets but spreadsheets can be hard to read on a mobile phone. Now I use some sort of notepad or Google Doc. If the conference has a hard copy of the agenda I may transfer my notes to there so I have a hard copy. For this conference I’m going to try this post.

Once I’ve figured out where I want to put my selections I start going through the schedule. If there are two talks I want to see at the same time slot I pick the one I prefer and then put the other down as a backup. If there’s not talk then I plan to talk to vendors or go wander around the venue. Stepping outside for a break is also an option. I usually put down the time, location, title of the talk, and the speaker.

Below are talks that are of interest to me currently. As expected AI is the hot topic and I’m looking to better understand other people’s viewpoints on it and how it’s used. Sometimes I’ll be in a talk where I don’t learn anything new but it confirms my current knowledge. I’ve also been in talks I don’t plan to go into because I decide to go with someone else and they make a compelling case for the talk. They speaker is also a factor. I try to support the people I know by going to their talks.

That’s one of the things I do to prepare for a conference. I now have one less thing to worry about at the conference and can take it in more fully. I also have a plan that allows me to take full advantage of the conference. Leave a comment below with your tips for attending conferences. Also, come say “Hi!” if you’re at the summit.

Tim’s 2024 Palmetto Cyber Summit Schedule

Feb 21

3:00 - 3:45

  • SALON A - Security Protection Using OSINT - Kurtis Suhs

3:50 - 4:20

  • SALON C - Countdown to Industrial Extinction - Michael Holcomb

4:20 - 4:50

  • SALON C - The Future of Security: Embracing a Platform-Centric Appraoch - Ken Alexander

Feb 22

8:30 - 9:00

  • SALON B - Lessons Learned Applying Machine Learning in Cybersecurity - Jeff Janies

9:00 - 9:30

  • SALON B - What Neuroscience Taught Us About CyberSecurity in 1885 - Chip Reaves

11:15 - 12:00

  • SALON B - The Enhancement of Malicious Social Engineering with AI - Dr. Sybil Rosado

1:30 - 2:15:

  • SALON B - Misinformation in the Age of Generative AI - Dr. Donnie Wendy

  • Backup: xIoT Hacking Demonstration and Strategies to Disappoint Bad Actors - SALON C - John Vecchi

2:20 - 2:45 -

  • SALON B - Using AI/ML to Manager Your Organization’s Cybersecurity Program - Tom Scott

  • Backup: SALON A - Automating Compliance - Carl Bjerke 

3:00 - 4:00 - This one is a bit of a toss up:

  • SALON B - Enhancing Cybersecurity: AI and Modern Threat Defense - Jim Hayes

  • SALON C - Know Yourself: We’ve Focused on Attackers for Too Long, it’s Time to Look Inward - Justin Scarpaci

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.

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