Exploring Information Security

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Blog updates: Pages and really old pages

I’ve completed the starting sections with the exclusion of vendors. I’m still figuring out what I want to do with that section. I’d like it to be a sort of sponsor page for vendors supporting the site. I’m open to ideas in the comment section below.

I am starting to build out the deeper dives pages for the main pages. Some are already up. More will come and will continue to come over the foreseeable future. I’ve focused on the media section and created a few recommended pages as that’s where I think a lot of value will come from this site.

I’ve gone through my old blog page and moved over anything infosec related from several years ago. I had more content than I thought. That’s a good thing but also highlights I used to write a lot more. I’d like to start having more regular updates on this blog. Not sure what all that will entail. I did infosec links for a while with some other more short and long form editorial pieces. I’ll end up trying all of these again along with some other ideas. Again, comments on what you’d like to see would be appreciated.

Things have come together slower than I expected. That’s due to the kids being out of school and enjoying time with them. I also picked up a part-time job that has eaten into some of my intended time for this site. With school about to start and me getting more settled into work I should start making some more progress.

I haven’t done much work on the podcast because I wanted to get the site in better shape. I’ll be starting to reach out to some people to start setting up interviews. Once that is set we’ll be cruising.

More updates to come.

This blog post first appear on Exploring Information Security