Exploring Information Security

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New beginnings for Exploring Information Security

zenad nabil


I’m not sure if anyone still comes to my site. I haven’t posted anything in over a year. There are pages that end up in search terms so I guess it may get some traffic. I should probably look. Either way the site has changed. It is no longer my personal blog. I have decided to expand it as a website that I want people to come to when they need help researching a topic in the infosec/cybersec* space.

*Yes, I’ve come to terms with cyber in our vernacular but that doesn’t mean I’m giving up infosec either. Especially, since that’s what I started with.

I am planning on bringing the podcast back. First, I want to get the website in a better spot. I’ve changed the design and spent some time the last week getting that organized. I feel it’s in a good spot and now want to start building out the content. This post is the first foray into that. Consider it a soft open if you will. I would love suggestions. You can either hit me up or leave a comment of what you think should be on this website.

The idea is that this is a website for new people and people looking to learn more about a certain topic. One of my first bits of advice to people looking to get into the field is that they have to learn to sift through all the content in the security space. This site is meant to help people with that. It’s not just for new people though. I want to also address new things that come out in the space. New vulnerabilities or ideas or hot topics. Those will probably end up as more blog posts to start but I want to be able to speak to those things quickly while I then build out the content on the website.

I’m excited to be back!

This blog post first appear on Exploring Information Security