Exploring Information Security

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Exploring Information Security Newsletter

Sign up for the Exploring Information Security Newsletter!

Squarespace has made a new feature available, email campaigns. I'm intrigued because it this could be a good opportunity to start up a newsletter for the podcast. I'm thinking I'll use the newsletter as a forum to announce things like new podcasts, conferences, and other things. I'd also like to provide something special for people who sign-up. I'm thinking behind the scenes type of stuff, maybe even some extra recorded audio. I sometimes have audio that doesn't quite fit the show but has something insightful or funny.

I'm going to start including a newsletter signup form on all the show notes and blog posts. If there are things you'd like to see hit me up on Twitter (@TimothyDeBlock) or email (timothy.deblock[@]gmail[.]com).

This blog post first appear on Exploring Information Security

See this form in the original post