Exploring Information Security

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Converge and BSides Detroit talks and slides

I had a great time at Converge and BSides Detroit.

This was my third attempt at going and I'm happy I finally got the opportunity to do so. The last two years I've had to cancel my plans due to life reasons. I did two talks this year. One at Converge and one at BSides. Both are linked below along with the slides for both talks.

How to kick start an application security program - Converge Detroit

I've given this talk at three other BSides prior to Converge. I feel like this is my best presentation of the talk so far. I will be giving it again at ShowMeCon in June.


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The AppSec Starter Kit - BSides Detroit

This was my first time giving this talk. I thought it went well for it's first attempt. It still needs polish. It will probably be a while before I give this talk again at a security conference. I made this talk to present at developer conferences. It hasn't been picked up, yet. I'm hopeful it will for some talks later this year.


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This blog post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.