Exploring Information Security

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CircleCityCon impressions and pictures

In mid-June I traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana, to be the photographer for the security conference called CircleCityCon. Click the Gallery link below to see some of my favorite pictures from that conference.

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One of the things I noticed while processing pictures from the security conference were all the smiles people had. The conference was a blast and it appeared that everyone involved was having a pretty good time.

Chris Roberts AKA Sidragon AKA the dude who flew a play "sideways" kicked off the conference, followed by a Space Rogue opening keynote. From there, the conference featured three security talk tracks, and four to six training tracks. DJ Rance and DJ Cy-Fi and DJ Triptych provided some kickass sound for both Friday and Saturday after parties, which included walls lined with old arcade games. Duane & Brando rocked the stage Friday night and MC Frontalot got the hackers dancing Saturday night. There was also a capture the flag (CTF) competition, lock pick village, and activities for kids. It was a well rounded conference, that I would recommend to any security professional.

My favorite part of the conference came during closing ceremonies when announcing how much money they had made for the five charities they were supporting at the conference. I don't remember the exact amount the conference made, but at one point Micheal Smith AKA DrBearSec said they would contribute $200 more to a particular cause to round the total up to $1000. I absolutely loved that and that gesture reaffirmed that I was contributing to something special.

I had a fantastic time. I got to meet a lot of people I interact with online and I also got to meet some new people I hadn't interacted with online yet, but will be in the future. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures and I look forward to next year's conference.

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.