Exploring Information Security

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InfoSec links July 15, 2014

Pandemiya Emerges As New Malware Alternative To Zeus-Based Variants - Fraud Report - EMC/RSA

This is a breakdown on some new malware called Pandemiya. It’s being offered as an alternative to the widely popular Zeus trojan. The price tag is between $1500-$2000.  

Crooks Seek Revival of 'Gameover Zeus' Botnet - Brian Krebs - Krebs on Security

The previously dead Gameover Zeus botnet is apparently making a comeback. After the initial takedown, the owners of the botnet laid low for a while. Now it appears they’re trying to bring it back. The old botnet is still in lockdown, so this appears to be an effort to rebuild the botnet from the ground up.

Glenn Beck's The Blaze Site Serving Malicious Ads - Pat Belcher - invincea

My care meter for politics:

don’t care |-|---------------------| care

Glenn Beck can be a bit of a hot topic, but it’s his site I want to focus on, The Blaze. It’s been discovered that his site, via advertising, is serving up malware to people that visit the site. The site is not compromised, it’s the ad services that are running on his site. Ad services do not vet the people who submit ads, which makes it easy for nefarious folk to submit ads with malware attached to them. The Blaze, according to the article, is ranked the number two political site on the web, thus making it a target for these kinds of ads. If you see an ad that is of interest you, I would suggest doing a google search instead of clicking the ad.

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.