Exploring Information Security

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More on the Experian breach

On Saturday I posted about Experian's breach of costumer data not being the hack that the media seems to think it is. It's actually much worse than that. Apparently, I wasn't alone in identifying the inaccuracies of the Experian breach and Experian themselves went to set the record straight. Except they really didn't, and Brian Krebs broke their statements with factual information.

If you liked Krebs article, then I would suggest reading the post he did last month that looked at whether or not credit monitoring services are really worth it. Even if you don't use a credit monitoring service, there are some good tips on how to protect yourself from identity theft in the article.

And in-case you're wondering who Brian Krebs is, he's kind of a big deal. Sony pictures is planning on making a movie about Brian Krebs' life.

This post first appeared on Exploring Information Security.