I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Thursday - Awareness Is Freedom
How many obligations do I really have? This is something I’ve tried to keep in mind. I feel as if a lot of my choices now are based on what really matters. I feel like I need to get there at work as well. Is what I’m doing really an obligation or something I’ve self-imposed on myself?
Friday - Cutting Back On The Costly
We bought a small house to reduce the amount stuff we have. We’ve still managed to fill it with stuff that probably isn’t needed. It’s still kept some things out of the house that we would’ve bought.
Yesterday - Don’t Tell Yourself Stories
To be a conversationalist you have to put the focus on others. This is something I feel I’ve gotten out of habit. It’s actually quite satisfying to focus on others in a conversation. It makes them feel good and that in turn can make me feel good.
Today - Don’t Trust the Senses
There’s an aspect of what I want to do and what I really don’t need to do. I’ve felt this talking myself into different things. I can be very persuasive and that can lead to a less than ideal outcome.