I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Wednesday - The Mind Is All Yours
The body is out of my control. What I can control is my thoughts. It’s something I’ve really worked on over the last year.
Thursday - A Productive Use For Contempt
Be objective about what is really behind a picture or image. For athletes and movie stars with beach bodies it requires a lot of work to get there. It requires a lot of sacrifices that I’m not willing to make. It helps keep me in check when I look at myself in the mirror or want to be at a certain place. It requires a lot of work and time. The people who are better than me in golf have either done it for a long time, do it on a regular basis, or practice often. If I want to get to that level I will need patience and effort.
Yesterday - There’s Nothing Wrong With Being Wrong
I’ve often used this philosophy to get better. I will be outspoken about something with the idea that if I’m wrong I learn a valuable lesson. It’s happened throughout my life and career. I’ve thought one thing, only to have it be wrong.
Today - Things Happen In Training
I did not have a good round of golf today. It was on a course I hadn’t played in a while. It got frustrating but I still came home and wrote in my green book on what I learned today. I want to continue to get better and each outing is an opportunity to learn something new. I can take those lessons to the next round I play.