I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Saturday - Trust, But Verify
I’m a bit of a question when interacting with other people. I like to understand the context of things. I don’t do that as much with some of my own decisions and habits. I am starting to take more time though and stop. Think about the thought and verify it comes from a good place or at the very least understanding where it is coming from.
Sunday - Prepare Yourself For Negativity
This is the one passage I bookmarked last year. I did it to use it as my mantra for the morning. That didn’t stick. What did is that I am going to run into people with afflictions that impact how I interact with them. I can’t control that. So, instead of getting upset I’ve been prepared that it’s going to happen and I move forward with what I can. It’s been tremendous for every aspect of my life and I look forward to continuing to use it.
Yesterday - Expect To Change Your Opinion
It’s interesting how at a afar we make opinions good or bad about people we don’t interact with a whole lot. That can change as we get to know them. I’ve had that recently where it went from, “that person would never act like that” to “Oh. They very much act like that.” I try to keep an open mind about people. I’ve had too many experience where good people turned out bad and bad people turned out to be cool.
Today - The Cost Of Accepting Counterfeits
As mentioned previously, I’m a bit of a questioner. I’m not satisfied with answers like, “it’s always been that way” or “Because I said so.” I need some good reasoning or more importantly data for me to accept things. I think that’s helped me in forming opinions and decisions that impact others. I need to see the data that says this is the right way to interact with people or make a decision. This has put me at odds with others who don’t necessarily thing that way.