I am blogging everyday (or nearly everyday) on The Daily Stoic.
Tuesday - To Each His Own
The last time I flew off the handle was not a pretty sight. I beat myself up fairly literally. I feel like I’m starting to handle things better. Every once and a while though there’s this huge blow up. I am probably having less of them.
Wednesday - Cultivating Indifference Where Others Grow Passion
I feel I’ve cultivate quite a bit of indifference over the past year. That does seem to have a downside in that I feel I have a lack of purpose. I look at people passionate about something that I’m indifferent to. It gives them purpose and something to strive for. I don’t know that picking up something and not becoming indifferent is the answer.
Thursday - When You Lose Control
I feel like I regain my composure after falling so far. Right now I feel very composed, yet, I had a very tough week. Both from work and emotional stand point. I feel I’ve had to take a step back instead of just following into the same habits of things. Those are both good and bad habits. Maybe that is something I should try again in the future.
Friday - You Can’t Always (Be) Get(ting) What You Want
I’m a person that has many interests. That can sometimes lead to the scenario from the book. I can become unbalanced from too many things going on. I’ve recognized this before and cut back quite a bit. Now though I don’t feel as if I’m doing enough or I’m focused on the right things. Which makes me curious if I’m still doing too much. I do recognize that with the cold there are fewer things to do and that can lead to feelings of wanting to be able to do those things.
Yesterday - Where Philosophy Begins
Doing a daily stoic for a year and further has really helped me tap into my own feelings. The study of philosophy has helped me readjust and re-prioritize some of the things in my life. I’m more in tune with my feelings and I’m finding some interesting insights. Like sleep for example. I didn’t realize how much I was pushing through feeling exhausted just to do certain things. I’m trying to get more rest and do things that will help me feel more energized instead of trying to push through it.
Today - Accurate Self-Assessment
When I was younger I held myself back. As I got older I started to realize I had a lot of potential to fill and started working towards that. To this day I don’t hold myself back. I do sometimes overestimate worth and value I bring to a relationship. It’s a tough gut check and it’s been valuable to realize that I’m not as great as I think I am. I don’t want to fall too far down though because that could potentially lead to depression or under-performance.
It has helped at work because I’ve realized that I’m just a small piece in a much larger cog. This has allowed me to get over things that annoy and frustrate me at work. I still believe I provide a lot of value to the company and so do a lot of other people.